Friday, March 21, 2008

Isn't this the cutest doll??!

I know, I know, more pictures of our girls coming soon.... I'm working on a slide show of our homecoming ~ stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Almost as cute as your three REAL dollies!

Cyndi Lou said...

We can't wait to see your REAL dolls! You truly do have 3 beautiful girls! Thank you for sharing so much of your journey with us all on this blog. I continue to be blessed and amazed by you and your family!

Have a blessed Easter weekend!



Bridenstine4 said...

That's a very cool baby. It's too cute. Congrats on the new arrival!

Anonymous said...

Very cute dolly--where did you purchase her?

Yes, more pictures of your 3 beautiful girls soon, please!!!

Kelly (holt bb)

Micah and Sunny said...

I found you linked to another blogger I have been reading. What a wonderful family! I was tearing up at how lovely your story is. Incredible. My husband and I are also working on child #3 through the miracle of adoption (from Korea). May God richly bless your family!

Micah and Sunny K