Wednesday, April 16, 2008

So, what are we missing???

Most of you know I struggle with arthritis. For some reason, my first pregnancy seemed to trigger it's evolution. For eight years I've daily struggled with pain. Most of the time it's very liveable. A few times a year, the arthritis "flares" causing a tremendous increase in pain. I have had it in my toes, both my feet, both my knees, my fingers, wrists, jaw, and possibly my neck. No fun. I've asked God to take it away. I've asked the Holy Spirit why it's there and what can be done about it. I've been prayed over more times than I can count. I've cursed it, cast it out, rebuked it, sought roots to it. I've seen multiple doctors, taken unconventional therapies, and been on extremely restrictive diets for very extended periods of time. Some of it has seemed to help for a season, but always I'm back to pain.

I'm puzzled, annoyed, perplexed, dismayed, and when I'm hurting really bad, I'm totally distraught. My ever increasing bewilderment is this... WHY? With His stripes, Jesus paid a high price for me to walk in complete restoration. So why can't I get there?

I know He wants me to walk in wholeness. With every fiber of my being I know He can, and perhaps even already has made me whole, but why do I still hurt?

As the body of Christ why don't we daily walk in the supernatural? Jesus commanded us to preach the gospel, cast out demons, raise the dead and HEAL THE SICK. Why don't we? The Old Testament prophets did, the New Testament apostles did, what's our problem?

If we're born again, filled with the Spirit, seeking His face and hearing His voice WHAT ARE WE MISSING???


Cynthia said...

God has big plans for you...and for some reason it involves you having arthritis. God doesn't ever give us more and we can handle with His help, even if it seems so overwhelming ot us.

I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer when I was 24 years old. For nearly 18 months, each doctor visit brought more bad had metastisized, the RAI didn't work, the PET showed a new mass, the labwork is showing and increase in my tuomor marker, on and on. I didn't understand why it was so rough for so long, and still don't understand. But I know God had me suffer so that I may help others. and so that I may fulfill His purpose for my life.

I will be praying for healing and strength for you!!

Cynthia from the Holt BB

Brad and Shana said...

From my previous comment, you can probably tell that I don't have all the right answers.....and admittedly, I could be dead wrong here too.

But, I've found myself with very similiar questions regarding my mom's life with Chron's disease. Here is how I've settled it in my mind, but please keep in mind, that I am in NO WAY trying to convince you or anyone else that my line of thinking is correct.

Anyway, here goes.....I whole-heartedly believe that Jesus can heal. If it is his will, he could heal the world at this moment. I personally believe, that it is just not his will for everyone at all times to be healed....maybe for everyone eventually, but not at all times. I think this is scripturally backed up in the life of Paul. I also think back to Jesus' healing ministry and realize that he healed many, but probably not all.

I feel like sometimes he allows sickness or pain to be used for his glory. I know, through mom's life, that she has witnessed to countless people regarding her illness. I could give specific examples, but it's not necessary. Just suffice it to say, that her life truly has been a witness to God's grace to many. In my mind, he chose not to heal her, so that He could get glory. Glory through her witness to others, and glory through her own faith's growth. She can without doubt say that God is faithful. He certainly was and continues to be sufficient for her....even with constantly poor magnesium levels, weekly lab draws, ileostomy, brittle bones, and malabsorption....

That being said, I certainly think it is good and right to continue to ask for healing...

Said with love,

By the way, RA and chron's are both autoimmune has found great help with Remicade infusions (which is actually for RA) Have you heard of it?

silverjewel said...

Well, I can think of many "possible reasons." And forgive me, but I am going to do this w/o having my bible with me. "So what are we missing?" First of all, we could also ask, "What did we do or have done?" I truly believe that God did not intend for us to be ill, or many other things, but that due to the original sin, illness, immorality, and even orphans have become a consequence.

Now, why would God allow these consequences to continue...? Well, because He is God and expects, deserves, and requires perfection. Thankfully, His grace found a way for us to be perfected through and by Christ. His grace is also perfected in our weaknesses, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Being weak gives all the more reason to depend on Christ. Being in pain allows us to seek Him more. Here's a scenario I am taking from Beth Moore from her Daniel study... "Consider 3 different scenarios when people of God face a fiery trial. (in her lecture she used the example of breast cancer.)

Scenario a: We can be delivered from the fire. Dividend? Our faith is built.

Scenario b: We can be delivered through the fire. Dividend? Our faith is refined.

Scenario c: We can be delivered by the fire into His arms. Dividend? Our faith is perfected."

(Of course as much as we want perfection, there is good and perfect reason to pray for scenario a!)

I don't know why you have been stricken with arthritis, but I do know that it won't be for nothing. God allows the ability to be thankful in and for all things (Philippians), thereby glorifying Him. This as you know is being written by Paul whom also had a thorn is his side of some sort. Paul being a man whom also in Phillippians writes of a peace amongst chaos(I totally botched this ref. but in a word study it is a peace of spirit) and in Romans not doing what he knows is what he should be doing and so on. I guess what I am saying is that it is good to wrestle with it, but know that there is something bigger going on. It is likely that as you wrestle and find peace, you are being holy prepared to be a living testimony to someone in some way.

I pray that you would find healing in this and that God Himself will reveal to you what He may have for you.


silverjewel said...

Well, I can think of many "possible reasons." And forgive me, but I am going to do this w/o having my bible with me. "So what are we missing?" First of all, we could also ask, "What did we do or have done?" I truly believe that God did not intend for us to be ill, or many other things, but that due to the original sin, illness, immorality, and even orphans have become a consequence.

Now, why would God allow these consequences to continue...? Well, because He is God and expects, deserves, and requires perfection. Thankfully, His grace found a way for us to be perfected through and by Christ. His grace is also perfected in our weaknesses, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Being weak gives all the more reason to depend on Christ. Being in pain allows us to seek Him more. Here's a scenario I am taking from Beth Moore from her Daniel study... "Consider 3 different scenarios when people of God face a fiery trial. (in her lecture she used the example of breast cancer.)

Scenario a: We can be delivered from the fire. Dividend? Our faith is built.

Scenario b: We can be delivered through the fire. Dividend? Our faith is refined.

Scenario c: We can be delivered by the fire into His arms. Dividend? Our faith is perfected."

(Of course as much as we want perfection, there is good and perfect reason to pray for scenario a!)

I don't know why you have been stricken with arthritis, but I do know that it won't be for nothing. God allows the ability to be thankful in and for all things (Philippians), thereby glorifying Him. This as you know is being written by Paul whom also had a thorn is his side of some sort. Paul being a man whom also in Phillippians writes of a peace amongst chaos(I totally botched this ref. but in a word study it is a peace of spirit) and in Romans not doing what he knows is what he should be doing and so on. I guess what I am saying is that it is good to wrestle with it, but know that there is something bigger going on. It is likely that as you wrestle and find peace, you are being holy prepared to be a living testimony to someone in some way.

I pray that you would find healing in this and that God Himself will reveal to you what He may have for you.


silverjewel said...

Well, I can think of many "possible reasons." And forgive me, but I am going to do this w/o having my bible with me. "So what are we missing?" First of all, we could also ask, "What did we do or have done?" I truly believe that God did not intend for us to be ill, or many other things, but that due to the original sin, illness, immorality, and even orphans have become a consequence.

Now, why would God allow these consequences to continue...? Well, because He is God and expects, deserves, and requires perfection. Thankfully, His grace found a way for us to be perfected through and by Christ. His grace is also perfected in our weaknesses, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Being weak gives all the more reason to depend on Christ. Being in pain allows us to seek Him more. Here's a scenario I am taking from Beth Moore from her Daniel study... "Consider 3 different scenarios when people of God face a fiery trial. (in her lecture she used the example of breast cancer.)

Scenario a: We can be delivered from the fire. Dividend? Our faith is built.

Scenario b: We can be delivered through the fire. Dividend? Our faith is refined.

Scenario c: We can be delivered by the fire into His arms. Dividend? Our faith is perfected."

(Of course as much as we want perfection, there is good and perfect reason to pray for scenario a!)

I don't know why you have been stricken with arthritis, but I do know that it won't be for nothing. God allows the ability to be thankful in and for all things (Philippians), thereby glorifying Him. This as you know is being written by Paul whom also had a thorn is his side of some sort. Paul being a man whom also in Phillippians writes of a peace amongst chaos(I totally botched this ref. but in a word study it is a peace of spirit) and in Romans not doing what he knows is what he should be doing and so on. I guess what I am saying is that it is good to wrestle with it, but know that there is something bigger going on. It is likely that as you wrestle and find peace, you are being holy prepared to be a living testimony to someone in some way.

I pray that you would find healing in this and that God Himself will reveal to you what He may have for you.


silverjewel said...

Sorry, I don't know what I hit to have post so many times!!!


Anonymous said...

Remember when the disciples asked Jesus who sinned....the blind man or his parents that caused the man to be blind? (in John) Do you remember what Jesus said? He knew his disciples were missing something and he told them that the blindness was not of the man's sin, nor his parents....BUT THAT THE WORKS OF GOD MIGHT BE DISPLAYED THROUGH HIM. That man was blind from birth and lived a lifetime before the time came for Jesus to heal him. BUT OH! What that healing kicked off!!! Maybe it is not His time to display his works through you, yet. In the meantime, I will continue to pray for complete healing and comfort and give God all the glory for every bout of remission of discomfort he gives you!
Much love,

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Maddie said...

I think sickness is like many of the trials that we go through while we are on this earth. We may see bits and pieces of what we are learning and how God may glorify himself, but we may not fully understand the purpose until we are standing face to face with our savior and can see what He can see.

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