Friday, December 14, 2007

So, what now???

Several people have been asking, so what happens now to get Ha Mee home??? Well, we have already sent our assignment papers back to our agency. A BIG thank you to the VERY kind lady at our bank who notarized over 20 pages with NO complaints!!

Our agency will forward those documents (our official acceptance) to Korea and the agency there will start the paperwork for Ha Mee's passport and official Emigration Permission from the Korean government.

While that is going on in Korea, we will be filing with our government to obtain a visa. This is a BIG step, and can potentially be lengthy, depending on how many applications the immigration office has at the time.

I plan to keep our blog as up to date as I can. I'm already praying for an unencumbered, smooth and efficient process. As we get farther into the paperwork, there will be several occasions for specific prayer, and I'll be certain to let you know when that is! Right now, we are waiting for "Legals" (official record of her birth and a statement that the agency in Korea is the child’s guardian and transfer of the guardianship to the agency in America). After we receive those, the big stuff starts!!!

Stay tuned......

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