Wednesday, December 12, 2007

NINE years ago today!

NINE years ago today Tim and I tied the knot, exchanged vows, got hitched, entered into Biblical covenant with each other in marriage! NINE years ~ hard to believe. I was 28, almost 29, when Tim and I married. It was a LONG process of praying, and trusting my heavenly Father to bring the right one for me. At times, I wasn't sure "he" was out there, but God, in his faithfulness, indeed introduced me to the right man.

I am so glad God intersected our lives! My love for Tim has grown incredibly deeper through these nine years. He is such a wonderful balance for me, and has helped me to grow and mature. He is a wonderful provider and a great daddy to our girls! Even though there is ups and downs, just like with everybody, I can honestly say its' been a wonderful life! Happy anniversary to us! I love you, Tim!

1 comment:

Maddie said...

Happy anniversary a day late!