Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Yours, Mine, and Ours

Didn't think of this one....

Last week the five of us went out to eat at a local Korean restaurant. The owner/chef lady came out of the back and was talking to us as we stood by the door to leave. (Tim ALWAYS makes friends with the owners of these Asian places! They adore him!) Anyway, I was watching her look our three girls over and could tell she just couldn't figure things out! Tim was holding baby Kate, and the older two were standing close by. Finally, with a crinkled brow, she asked me:

"So. Is she [Kate] his? And these two [Callie and Claire] yours?"

Yep. He dumped his Asian bride. I left my white man, and we hooked up. Cool family, huh?!

She was still scratching her head as we left! I love it!


DeLynn said...

Very funny! :) I bet that will happen many times! Hope you are feeling better. I have prayed for you. Love you!

Cyndi Lou said...

That is laugh out loud funny! That will probably happen many times! I AM curious to know what you told her when she asked that question....

I, too, hope you are feeling better!



Brad and Shana said...

Wow, that's just weird. I wouldn't have thought of it that way. Yep, probably just one of many. You should start making up these strange, off the wall answers to all these strange, off the wall questions. Just to mess with people......

.....Did I say that out loud? Ha ha

Maddie said...

LOL! Do people ever think before they speak???

Anonymous said...

LOL! I had someone at church tell me that my older four kids look like such a mix of Carl and I, but our youngest son (Sam) is Carl's spittin' image!! So funny! And actually, our other four either look like me/my family or Carl/his family.
Hope you are feeling better, as I continue to pray for you!

Anonymous said...

PS- Along these lines. Whenever we are all out together, no one ever asks if Sam was adopted. SO...when it is just he and I in the store, I am always AMAZED when people guess he is adopted. I forget I am white! I start out thinking these folks are psychic or something! lol

Maddie said...

btw, I finally read The Shack. It was fabulous!!

Unknown said...

Hey Chelle! You have a beautiful family :) Of course attract questions so have with it right! Hope all is well. We got a well check on our Molly and she is growing!! Good but, I wanna get her home before she starts crawling :) Silly, I know. Did Kate crawl before you got her home?